How's Your Soil - The Jesus Experience

Questions to Go Deeper in your Faith

  1. Describe your gardening experiences.  Do you have a green thumb or a black thumb?    What makes gardening easy or difficult for you?

  2. Read Luke 8:4-15.  Jesus describes 4 different types of soil.  

    1. Which type of soil is most troubling to you?

    2. Which type of soil describes you most now?

  3. What causes the seed to grow, (literally and how we can better understand the parable)?

  4. Read Luke 8:26-39.  As we read the stories around the parable of the sower, we see Jesus takes people in bad soil, tills it up, and makes it good, so that they can grow.  

    1. What was the bad soil here in this story of the man with the demon?

    2. How does Jesus turn bad soil into good for him?

  5. Jesus turns our bad soil into good by his Spirit.

    1. Read the other stories from Luke 8 (Calming the Storm, Healing the Bleeding Woman and Raising the Daughter)

    2. Can you identify the bad soil and how Jesus turns it to good?

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