Hug A Telemarketer Today

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Continuing in the series of Things You Won’t Hear Anywhere Else (But Church), an in-person version of which I presented as a class at Christ Church Charlottesville on Sunday mornings this fall. Click here to read the intro and many caveats.

Who are the most acceptable cultural villains these days? I’m not talking about archetypal bad guys like Nazis or Klan members. I’m talking about people we universally despise — and don’t feel bad for doing so. An individual example would be Dan Snyder, the erstwhile owner of the Washington Commanders football team, about whom I’ve never heard a kind word. Which is saying something; it’s not easy to garner genuine bi-partisan disdain in the DC metro area, but that guy seems to have pulled it off.

But what are the groups that function this way today? ‘Stage parents’ strike me as a demographic that’s pretty hard to love. Maybe that’s more of a personal peeve, though. A generous soul might say their only crime is loving their kid too much. Same goes, I guess, for those awful guys that get in fistfights on the sidelines of their kid’s little league games.

A couple years ago the Internet decided that Karens and Kyles were the worst. Yet there’s a generational element to those resentments that keeps them from being universal. Plus, I know some wonderful ladies named Karen.

Then it hit me: Telemarketers. No one is more casually hate-able.

To be clear, I’m not talking about folks who volunteer their time to make calls for a cause they believe in. Nor really, those who want us to switch our insurance companies (in the middle of dinner). I’m talking about a specific type of tele- or e…………………………………….

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