Grace Lutheran PSL

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Email At Grace 11/29

Listen to the Scriptures: 

Thursdays 11AM
Genesis 23-28

Join us as we listen to the Jacob story. 

Quarterly Meeting

The next Quarterly Grace Voters Meeting is December 10th, immediately following the service. Election of board of directors for 2018 will be held.


Real Life Children's Ranch

In Okeechobee is a place where children can go which provides a Christian residential group home that cares for boys and girls who are sexually or physically or emotionally abused; homeless, neglected, or mildly disturbed. There are 6 homes with a father and mother which may have children of their own, plus house and nurture up to 6 of these children. Tours and further information is available by calling (863)763-4242. Want to give a child that “WOW” gift for Christmas? Vivian and Bob Barto are heading up this project and need your help. Here are their contact numbers (810-423-7877, Saturday, December 14th at 10:00 am is designated to wrap gifts



MOPS Sitters

Did you know that Grace hosts a mothers of preschoolers group? 

This is a time where moms can come together to talk and support one another. 

We need people who can watch their little ones at Grace while they meet. 

It's just two Wednesdays a month, and your hours can go to the Luther 500 Challenge. 

Talk to Pastor Cris


Angel Tree

There are still some angels on our tree in the narthex. Please let Susan Becker know which angel you have chosen. Please keep the amount you spend on the gift at $20. All of the gifts should be returned to the church no later than December 17. If you’re willing to deliver the gifts to the families, we will do so on the 17th.


New Sermon Series 

Sermon From Sunday

Exodus A Christmas Story
God's Got Your Back

Moses sees a burning bush, which tells him to go and free his people. Joseph see his future wife pregnant, which will bring shame to him and her. However, God promises them the same promise to us: As we go through struggles in our lives, He will always be with us.

Watch it Today!


See you Sunday!