A Different Kind of New Year

Read the Whole Article at https://mbird.com/holidays/advent/a-different-kind-of-new-years/

If you were to ask me what my least favorite holiday is — and trust me, I am a children’s minister and mother of three, this is not the weirdest question I’ve been asked this week— I would most likely reply New Year’s (both Eve and Day, to be specific). Part of it feels overly celebratory for a simple turn of a calendar page. Some of it is that I am expected to stay up past ten p.m. and not be grumpy. A large part of it is that somehow, with the flip of the page and the tick of the clock, I am supposed to be a newer, fresher, better version of myself at midnight. Expecting anything of me after midnight is ridiculous.

I am supposed to have more energy and interest in self-improvement. Things are supposed to get better not worse. This year will be different because this is the year, after forty others just like it, that I will finally have more self-control. I will have learned from all of my previous mistakes, errors, failures, flops and non-wins. Nothing will be left as it was. This year, I will have it all together.