Grace Lutheran PSL

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Email July 26

Listen to the Scriptures: Joel!

Meet up Tomorrow (Thursday) 11am to listen to the scriptures. 

Through the summer we will be reading through many of the Minor Prophets.  On Thursdays at 11:00 am we will listen to the minor prophet for that week.  If you are not able to join us, I encourage you to listen to it with your family. 

Links can be found at


Sarah's Kitchen at the Ballpark

If you want to join us for the baseball game on Thursday, July 27, a group from Grace will meet outside the St. Lucie Mets entrance at 5:45 so we can all go in and find seats together. If you can't be there by 5:45 and want to sit with us, call Cris at (770) 328-5078. You can buy tickets at a specific Sarah's Kitchen booth near the entrance. The game starts at 6:30.



Watch Last Week's Sermon
Nahum: Comfort in Chaos

Nahum means comfort. So take comfort that God is bringing good news. 


We had camera problems this week. So enjoy a different pastor doing the same sermon. 

Watch all past sermons at

The Fog of Fear: Panic Attacks, Anxiety and Being Overwhelmed


You can see it far off, looming on the horizon, a thick fog menacing off the coast and swirling in the distance. You know the signs. You’ve been here many times before, but you’ve learned to carry on.  At first you kind of ignore it, you are aware it’s there, but you don’t want to work yourself up so you busy yourself with things in the hopes the winds will change and it is driven out to sea. But the winds rarely change.


In time it approaches, subtle and quiet, caressing its way—almost seducing—its way back into your life. Your ostrich-defense has not worked and you aren’t able to continue the charade of hiding. At first it’s manageable. “This isn’t so bad” you think, “I can handle this.” But before you know it the fog is all around you, the thick blur is everywhere and the familiar comforts are whited-out. In the fog sounds are distant echoes, faces are veiled shapes and the familiar becomes strange—but strange because this particular strange you know all too well. Feeling alienated, overwhelmed—unable to trust yourself, in the fog of anxiety you give up. You lose yourself in a kind of existential madness. You have a panic attack.


Read the rest at:


See you Sunday!